Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Lists To Do

My husband, Mark, talked me into this. He started his own baseball card blog called Stats on the Back a few weeks ago and loves it. Though he had to convince me to make a blog, I needed no convincing to start a journal of lists. Of course there are a plethora of list blogs out there, but I'm not doing this to be original. As the title suggests, it is for my own personal edification. Here are some lists that are already in the works:
  1. Things to do before my "9th" birthday
  2. Fantasy TV lineup
  3. What I would do with $__
  4. Crazy crazes
  5. Lessons I wish I could teach
  6. My Name is Nancy
  7. Creative diets
  8. If we ever get another dog...
  9. Coffee table book ideas
  10. Stuff I hate with a bloody passion


mmosley said...

That's a sweet looking banner your husband has on his blog. He seems nice. I hope he doesn't end up on your "Things I Hate with a Bloody Passion" list!

Nancy Snipes Mosley said...

Not unless he keeps breathing loudly through his nose...